Club Rules

Essential Items when Walking

  1. Rug sack.
  2. Hiking Boots – Boots with good ankle support. You will NOT be allowed on walks without suitable boots.
  3. Rainwear – Waterproof and Windproof jackets and over-trousers. Wear clothes suitable for weather conditions.
  4. Food – eg water and food for snacks. It is our practice to stop midway on our walks for a snack break
  5. Spare clothes – Change of clothing & footwear for after the walk and for comfort on the journey home.
  6. Basic First Aid – it is advised that members carry basic first aid items to include plasters, sunscreen, ankle or knee supports, insect repellant or creams etc.


Although you will be in the company of experienced walkers, your safety is ultimately your own responsibility. Therefore take the following into account before setting out:

Consider your fitness in relation to the hike that you are undertaking. It is an expectation that members are reasonably fit and that they engage in other fitness enhancing activities between the scheduled walks.

Check the weather forecast and be appropriately equipped for that particular walk

Sign in at the start of the walk and stay with the group and follow the leader’s instructions – remember there is safety in numbers.

The designated Walk Leader may change a particular walk location or duration depending on weather forecast or other unforeseen events.

General Information

For meeting date and times please refer to the Schedule of walks that members receive by email and by text. Please reply to texts whether you plan to join in a particular walk or not.

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